Security Education Companion


EFF has an existing site called Security Self Defense (SSD), which hosts resources on how to arm yourself with digital security tips and tools. The Security Education Companion was born as a sister site to SSD for security trainers, educators, and anyone interested in teaching these tools to others. We wanted to give these people access to materials like lessons, teaching materials, and security news so that they were better equipped to educate their friends, family, and broader community. 

ROLE: UX Designer, UX Research

TEAM: UX Designer, Art Director, Developers, Product Manager

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Research & Personas

We already had some user research to consolidate into personas, which helped direct which types of audiences we were designing for. 

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Name association survey

Name association survey

These results would help us determine what to name different sections of the site.

These results would help us determine what to name different sections of the site.

Competitive analysis

We wanted to see which sites and services out there were already solving the problem to teaching materials to others. We looked at a history education site as well as one that also taught digital security. 

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Given these examples, we started wireframing ideas for desktop and mobile. 

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Higher fidelity mockups

After testing our wireframes, we went forward with the next level of fidelity.

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User testing

We asked mobile and desktop users to complete tasks we set through and gathered these insights.

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We created action items according to the user feedback and collaborated with developers to get the site launched. 

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Some social media love

We have had people tweet at us on social media saying that they have enjoyed what our site has to offer. 

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